Artwork Specifications

File Types:



GRAPHIC SIZE: Build your file at full size if it is small (less than 4ft), bigger than that we would recommend 1:12 or 1:10 scale. What scale you use doesnโ€™t matter as long as you let us know what it is.

FILE TYPE: We would always prefer the native files if you have created your files with Adobe software. We are always up to date with the latest version of the Creative Cloud. We can accept high-resolution PDF or EPS files if all the links are embedded and all fonts are outlined or included.

Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher), Paint, Corel Draw, GIF, low-resolution JPG or BMP file formats are not accepted for production. If your file is only a few hundred kilobytes (KB) is not likely going to be printable at more than a couple of inches big.

FILE TRANSFER: We have an FTP site you are welcome to upload to or we can download it from your site if you have one. We also accept CDs, DVDs, memory sticks, email (if less than 10MB) or links to any of the file transfer sites like Dropbox.

COLOUR: All our production is done in CMYK, however, most of our machines also have light Cyan and light Magenta so leaving photos in RGB will get you better results than CMYK. Some colours do not translate well from RGB to CMYK and our six colour machines will get better colour than plain CMYK. If color match is critical please provide us with a hard copy to match to and/or Pantone Color as reference.

CUT FILES: All cut files need to be supplied in a vector format as a stroked path, on a separate layer if possible.


Viewed from over 20ft away - 35 dpi at final size

Viewed from over 5 to 20ft away - 75 dpi

Viewed up close - 100 to 150 dpi

Please note that we cannot be held responsible for supplied images of poor quality or of artwork supplied with errors.

We are happy to provide information about scanning and prepress work if required. Just ask!